i'm very confident about the majority of this, except for some of the exact bass playing dynamics and the overdubbed leads, especially the quiet sweeps towards the end.
the drummer is kind of sloppy sometimes (and imo one of the most unremarkable in metal), added to which i'm not a drummer, so the drum notation is of meager quality at best
also, there will be no GP5 export of this as it would be too much of a hassle. buy GP6, or bother U-G to differentiate between versions on the site.
there's some cymbal hits following the kick the second time around here
7/4, which can be subdivided further (see drum track)
repe- oh wait lolol
hold this note into the next two measures (from segno)
hold into next measure
this fill is not notated accurately, sorry
something like this? i know they're 32nds, anyway haha
let the snare dribble on these various ghost notes
various atmospheric overdubs which facilitate the seque into Pendulum
voice 2 MIGHT be repeated here quieter and with more delay, not positive