• 艺人:Jem   欧美女艺人
  • 语种:英语
  • 唱片公司:ATO Records
  • 发行时间:2008-09-16
  • 类别:录音室专辑

Down to Earth专辑介绍

Jem的新专辑等了4年,这位苏格兰威尔士女生相信大家依然记得04年首发的《Finally Woken》,人们常常拿她与Dido比较,也许在声线上有些相似,Jem依然走多方位的路线,曲风上多元素,融合了Trip-Hop,folk,Electronic,对她当年的They,味道上依旧产生共鸣,相信大家也念念不念。Jem没有太纯粹的英式,仿佛化成魔咒般,慵懒中透露着淡雅,异常动人的节拍,在半梦半醒之间吟唱游乐,无限延伸的想像着,听觉此时被唤醒了。《Down to Earth》再次邂逅的新作。

Jemma Griffiths (born June 18, 1975 in Penarth, Wales), better known as Jem, is a Welsh singer-songwriter known for her eclectic musical stylings. Her debut album, Finally Woken, includes elements of rock, New Wave-styled electronica and trip-hop. Along with electronic producer Guy Sigsworth (Björk, Frou Frou), she wrote the song "Nothing Fails", which was later reworked by Madonna and appeared on her 2003 American Life album. Her second album Down to Earth is to be released in September 2008.